Current Issue
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024): JIKep | Juni 2024
- The Effect of Core Stability Exercises on Changes in Waist Circumference of Female Students of STIKES Kesdam IV / Diponegoro Semarang
- The Relationship of Overweight and Obesity Based on Gender with Dynamic Balance in Posyandu Elderly Pesona Karangrejo Kediri
- The Effect of Deep Myofascial Release Technique on Myofascial Trigger Point Syndrome on The Back at Blossom Magelang Clinic
- Differences In The Influence Of Wobble Board And Calf Raise Exercise On Increasing Ankle Stability In Bintang Futsal Academy Karawang Players
- Family and Peer Support Relationships with Healthy Food Choices for Adolescents
- The Relationship of Working Position and The Risk of Occurring Myogenic Low Back Pain in Tobacco Harvesters in Kendung Village Rt.005 Rw.002 Kedungadem District, Bojonegoro Regency
- Review of Medical Record Installation Problems Based on 5M + 1T Elements at Hospital X Surabaya
- Comparison of Giving Nordic Hamstring Exercise and Static Stretching to Running Speed in Adolescents at Futsal Club SMPN 1 Sukodono Sidoarjo.
- Increasing Knowledge and Self-Efficacy of Adolescents in Social Disaster Preparedness Situations Through Reproductive Health Education Using the Teach Back Method
- Disaster Preparedness and Core Competencies on Disaster Nursing of Nursing Students
- The Effects of Online Journal Club on Nursing Students' Knowledge of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
- The Effect of Music Therapy on Respiration Rate of Premature Infants: A Literature Review
- Benefits of Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents with Obesity: Scoping Review
- The Influence of Thung and Nequan Points on the Level of Insomnia in the Elderly in Peterongan Village, Jombang Regency
- The Relationship Between the Humanistic-Altruistic Value System Factor of Nurses' Caring Behavior and The Level of Patient Satisfaction in Nursing Services in The Merpati Inpatient Room of Dr. Soedono Madiun General Hospital
- Effectiveness of Ergonomic Exercise to Against Musculoskeletal Disorder in Agarwood Workers
- The Relationship of Compliance with the 5M Health Protocol with The Incident of Covid 19 Cases in People with Mental Disorders
- Relationship between Loneliness and Psychological Well-Being in Elderly in Alahan Panjang Health Center
- Effectiveness of Tramadol Use in Postoperative Pain Management
- Dynamics of Ritketzia Infection: The Role of Animals as Vectors in Infection to Human
- The Effect of Promushol Therapy (Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Sholawat Music) on Anxiety Levels and Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes Mellitus Patients
- Determinan of Refusal to Acetace Visual Inspection Examination (IVA Test) in Couple of Fertilizing Age in Kabiraaan Village Ulumanda District, Majene District, 2023
- Assessment of Nurses` Therapeutic Communication Based on The Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale
- The Influence of Giving Curcuma on Appetite in Children
- The Effectiveness of The Use of SUPER TEA Powder Drinks of Extra Shard Leaves of Ginger and Mint Leaves in Patients with ISPA to Relieve The Airway
- The Relationship of Mother's Attitudes in 1000 Days of Life with Stunting Incidents in Toddler
- The Effect of Anti Bullying Character Education on Mental Health of Students at SMP Khoiriyah Sumobito
- The Relationship Between Smart Behavior and Blood Pressure of Hypertensive Patients in Puton Village, Diwek Sub-District Jombang District
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