Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024): JIKep | Juni 2024
  1. The Effect of Core Stability Exercises on Changes in Waist Circumference of Female Students of STIKES Kesdam IV / Diponegoro Semarang
  2. The Relationship of Overweight and Obesity Based on Gender with Dynamic Balance in Posyandu Elderly Pesona Karangrejo Kediri
  3. The Effect of Deep Myofascial Release Technique on Myofascial Trigger Point Syndrome on The Back at Blossom Magelang Clinic
  4. Differences In The Influence Of Wobble Board And Calf Raise Exercise On Increasing Ankle Stability In Bintang Futsal Academy Karawang Players
  5. Family and Peer Support Relationships with Healthy Food Choices for Adolescents
  6. The Relationship of Working Position and The Risk of Occurring Myogenic Low Back Pain in Tobacco Harvesters in Kendung Village Rt.005 Rw.002 Kedungadem District, Bojonegoro Regency
  7. Review of Medical Record Installation Problems Based on 5M + 1T Elements at Hospital X Surabaya
  8. Comparison of Giving Nordic Hamstring Exercise and Static Stretching to Running Speed in Adolescents at Futsal Club SMPN 1 Sukodono Sidoarjo.
  9. Increasing Knowledge and Self-Efficacy of Adolescents in Social Disaster Preparedness Situations Through Reproductive Health Education Using the Teach Back Method
  10. Disaster Preparedness and Core Competencies on Disaster Nursing of Nursing Students
  11. The Effects of Online Journal Club on Nursing Students' Knowledge of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
  12. The Effect of Music Therapy on Respiration Rate of Premature Infants: A Literature Review
  13. Benefits of Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents with Obesity: Scoping Review
  14. The Influence of Thung and Nequan Points on the Level of Insomnia in the Elderly in Peterongan Village, Jombang Regency
  15. The Relationship Between the Humanistic-Altruistic Value System Factor of Nurses' Caring Behavior and The Level of Patient Satisfaction in Nursing Services in The Merpati Inpatient Room of Dr. Soedono Madiun General Hospital
  16. Effectiveness of Ergonomic Exercise to Against Musculoskeletal Disorder in Agarwood Workers
  17. The Relationship of Compliance with the 5M Health Protocol with The Incident of Covid 19 Cases in People with Mental Disorders
  18. Relationship between Loneliness and Psychological Well-Being in Elderly in Alahan Panjang Health Center
  19. Effectiveness of Tramadol Use in Postoperative Pain Management
  20. Dynamics of Ritketzia Infection: The Role of Animals as Vectors in Infection to Human
  21. The Effect of Promushol Therapy (Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Sholawat Music) on Anxiety Levels and Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes Mellitus Patients
  22. Determinan of Refusal to Acetace Visual Inspection Examination (IVA Test) in Couple of Fertilizing Age in Kabiraaan Village Ulumanda District, Majene District, 2023
  23. Assessment of Nurses` Therapeutic Communication Based on The Global Interprofessional Therapeutic Communication Scale
  24. The Influence of Giving Curcuma on Appetite in Children
  25. The Effectiveness of The Use of SUPER TEA Powder Drinks of Extra Shard Leaves of Ginger and Mint Leaves in Patients with ISPA to Relieve The Airway
  26. The Relationship of Mother's Attitudes in 1000 Days of Life with Stunting Incidents in Toddler
  27. The Effect of Anti Bullying Character Education on Mental Health of Students at SMP Khoiriyah Sumobito
  28. The Relationship Between Smart Behavior and Blood Pressure of Hypertensive Patients in Puton Village, Diwek Sub-District Jombang District
Published: 2024-06-30


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