Online Submission
Manuscrpit submission
The manuscript shall be submitted electronically through Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan All correspondence, including Editor's decision notices and revised requests, will be through the web page and will be informed via e-mail.It should be understood that the submitted manuscript is specially prepared and solely for Jurnal Ilmiah Keperwatan. The received text belongs to Jurnal Ilmiah Keperwatan and may be reproduced in other publications in whole or in part only by permission of Jurnal Ilmiah Keperwatan. Jurnal Ilmiah Keperwatanhas exclusive rights to articles and reproductions and sales in all countries. reserves the right to edit all manuscripts with style and needs.
Original Research
Criteria for the initial consideration of the submitted texts are originality, credibility of all data, and application for the purpose of the Journal as a whole. Additional assessments will be given to concise and easy-to-understand scripts. All potentially accepted texts will be subject to peer-reviewed reviews.
The submitted manuscript is categorized as below, or is deemed appropriate and necessary for the reader of by the editorial board
Research articles: including full papers reporting original research. Research papers must adhere to the standards recognized for reporting (Manuscript checklist). The paper should not exceed 5000 words. Shorter papers of 4000 words are welcome.
Literature reviews include an important presentation of topics of interest to those relevant to nursing, practice, health and clinical education. An article must be comprehensive, scientific, fact-based reviews of the literature, accompanied by critical analysis and lead to a scientific and reasonable conclusion. Details of the literature, search methodology should be provided, ie database search, search terms and inclusive dates, and selectivity criteria imposed. If possible, use a primary source. The typical length should be no more than 5000 words for text only.
Systematic Reviews
Systematic Reviews are exhaustive, critical assessments of evidence from different data sources in relation to a given subject in the areas of nursing. A systematic search of the relevant data sources should be carried out and the items collected should be carefully evaluated for inclusion based on a-priori defined inclusion/exclusion criteria. A description and an analytical graphic representation of the process should be provided. The specific features of the participants' or patients' populations of the studies included in the review should be described as well as the measures of exposure and outcome with the indication of the corresponding data sources. A structured abstract is required (like for Short reviews). The text must not exceed 5000 words including the acknowledgments, with no more than 4 tables and/or figures.
Announcement : including various announcements about the activities that will take place.
Files uploaded to the online registration system are finally used in final production.
The author submits to the online journal via the journal home page or Register
Author(s) will be guided through the creation and upload of various files. After the upload is complete, the system will automatically send an e-mail notification that the script has been successfully uploaded. Furthermore, the author can record the trace of the process of publishing articles through Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan page. all preparation process of journal publication, starting from acceptance of manuscript, verification of manuscript, review (review), editorial, until persiapn is published and monitored by author through page. The submitted texts should be relevant to the audience and must be written in Indonesian with EYD and meet the following basic criteria: original material, important information, clear and concise writing, appropriate research methods, valid data, and reasonable and supported conclusions by data.
The manuscript must be prepared in accordance with the APA Style Guide for Authors, Editor, and Publisher.
Preparation of the Manuscript/AUTHOR GUIDE
The manuscript template can be downloaded in Guide for Author
Scripts are accepted for publication with the understanding that their content, or their essential substance, has not been published elsewhere, except in the form of an abstract or with the prior written consent of the Editor. Material taken from other sources shall be accompanied by written permission for reproduction, obtained from the original copyright holder. Statistical methods should be identified. The length of the script is limited to 4000 words for text only.
Corresponding authors must submit another Author's License Form, and upload along with uploading the manuscript into the page. All authors must sign the Author Approval Form.
According to the International Committee in the Journal of Medical Editor (ICMJE), a writer is defined as a person who has made major contributions to the conception and development of the manuscript.
Comply with ICMJE guidelines ( stating that "authorship credits should be based on all of the following: 1) major contributions to conception and research design, or data acquisition, or analysis and interpretation of data; compile articles or advise critically for important intellectual content, and 3) final approval of the version to be published ". All other contributors should be listed as a thank you.
All contributors who do not meet the criteria for writing as described above must be listed in the acknowledgement section. General acknowledgment for consultation, statistical analysis and so on, should be listed concisely at the end of the text, including the names of people directly involved. Approvals must be obtained from people before their names are listed in this section. All financial and material support for research and work from internal or external agencies, including commercial enterprises, must be clear and thoroughly identified. Ensure that any conflict of interest (financial and / or non-financial) is explicitly stated.
Ethical considerations
All studies should be carried out with high ethical standards and must comply with local rules and standards for examination and approval.
The work on humans submitted to the journal must have been made in accordance with the Code of Conduct of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki). Scripts will only be considered if they meet internationally recognized standards of research ethics. The authors should be able to state that:
- Research involving humans or animals has been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) / ethical commission and has been performed in accordance with national accepted standards: informed consent must be obtained from human subjects or their caregivers prior to their participation in the study if applicable; privacy of research subjects maintained or informed consent has been obtained if they are in any way that can be identified; and any potential conflicts of interest are disclosed.
- Everyone is referred to as a writer escapes authorship. Everyone is listed as restricted only to direct participants who have contributed significantly to the work.
Conflict of interest (conflict of interest)
Authors should disclose financial and personal relationships with others or organizations that may cause biases or conflicts of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, this should also be explicitly declared as not being announced.
Manuscript LAYOUT
Common style and Format
The paper should comply with the styles and formats described in APA 6 Style Guide for Authors, Editor, and Publisher.
The script should be an electronic file. You will need to prepare the following files for submission:
Letter cover
To the editor in which you the author's detailed contributions and other things the editor wants to consider.
Title Page
On the title page includes: (1) the title of the article; (2)the name of the author (with the highest academic degree and institution including name of the institution, department, and location of the working institution must be included); (3) as per the author's name and full address including email, telephone and FAX number); (4) any acknowledgment, credit or rejection, including funding sources and conflicts of interest. Acknowledgments Assistance or criticism (eg, sources of research funds or grants, conflicts of interest) must be approved by the helpful person. Authors are required to sign a statement granting copyright to the manuscript to Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan)
Abstracts and Keywords
Abstracts of up to 250 words for articles (including reviews) should be typed two spaces on separate pages. This should include the main factual points, including reports of objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. The abstract should be accompanied by a list of three to five keywords for indexing purposes; very specific in your word choice. Use MESH (Medical Subject Headings) keywords
Titles and subheadings should be provided in the method and outcome of the section, and, where appropriate, in the discussion section. Please keep the text clear and concise. Because jurnal ilmiah keperwatan readers cover a wide range of disciplines, jargon should be avoided as it may not be familiar with some readers. Set the script in the following order: title page, thank you, abstract, text, reference, table, legend numbers and numbers. Do not use attachments. The text of the article is usually divided into sections by title: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and Limitations and recommendations (s). Articles may need subheadings in some sections to clarify their content.
Introduction : It clearly states the necessity of this study and the main question or research hypothesis. Summarize the literature review or background in the field of research.Research Aims: Descripe the aims of the study
Methods : Describe research design, arrangements and samples, ethical considerations, measurements / instruments, data collection / procedures and data analysis used. If it is a qualitative research instrument can be eliminated.
Results : Describe the main results in a short paragraph. This section should be the most descriptive. Level of statistical significance and confidence interval where appropriate.
Discussion : Discussion should be based only on reported results. Discussions for progress in nursing practice, nursing knowledge development, and nursing implications are highly recommended.
Conclusion (s) : Express the conclusions and recommendations for further study. Do not summarize the results of the study.
Limitations and recommendations
Limitations and recommendations may be added in the scriptwriting as a consideration for the reader for further scientific progress.
References follow the style of APA 6. The author is responsible for the accuracy of reference. The software package makes quoting / citation very easy.
References should be listed in accordance with the
Review process
The manuscript is reviewed by a member of the national expert panel. All of these papers will undergo peer review by three reviewers and the Editor. The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse material for publication. The editor-in-chief is entitled to a final decision on acceptance. All comments from reviewers can be recorded through the Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatann page. reviewers will use track changes and comment in MS Word. The author will receive this reviewer comment. If the script is eligible for publication, the author will be required to respond to the reviewer's comment within 2 weeks.
End of Script Revision
A final version of the accepted script should be submitted online. Includes all materials in a single computer file (does not separate abstracts, tables, etc., in separate files). For moving section, use "break" on "page layout" function in MS Word. Save your MS Word file.