Vol. 9 No. 5 (2023): JIKep | Oktober 2023
- Clinical Practice Experience of Nursing Students in Intensive Care Unit (ICU): Qualitative Study
- Effect of Citrus Limon Aromatherapy on Students' Mental Health During The Covid-19 Pandemic
- Family Treatment Experience in Preventing Asthma Repeat in Children at The Sanggau Ledo Health Center, Bengkayang District
- The Role of Nurses in Weaning Mechanical Ventilation: Literature Review
- Factors Influencing the Incidence of Surgery Area Infection in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Patients in Jakarta Heart Hospital
- Influence of Health Education on First Aid for Aspiration in Toddler to Mother's Knowledge
- Factors Related to Hypertension in Adolescents
- Application of 450 Degree Head of Bed Elevation in Patient with Cerebrovascular Accident To Prevent Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in the Intensive Care Unit of General Hospital dr Soebandi Jember
- The Effect of Smartphone-Based Application on Medication Adherence among Patients’ with Coronary Artery Disease in Private Hospital Type A at Bandung
- The Relationship between Nurses’ Knowledge of Spiritual Needs and Nurses’ Behavior in Fulfilling Patients’ Spiritual Needs
- The Effect of Health Education on Self Care Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
- Parents' Levels of Understanding of Self-Training Therapy Instructions Using the Application for Children with Cerebral Palsy
- The Correlation Between Family Developmental Tasks and Adolescent Tasks with Aggressive Behavior at SMP Negeri 2 Punggelan
- The Implementation of Mirror Therapy to Increase Muscle Stength Among Stroke Patients at Fatmawati Hospital: A Case Study
- Application of Expressive Art Therapy in Nursing Care on Children with Typhoid Fever with Anxiety at Children Room in RSUD Blambangan Banyuwangi
- The Relationship of Warming Up Technique to the Risk of Low Back Pain in Basketball Players at Sari Mulia University, Banjarmasin
- Factors Influencing Compliance with Anti-Hypertension Medication in Patients with Hypertension
- Nurse End of Life Intervention in The ICU Room of Faisal Islamic Hospital Makassar: Qualitatve
- Coping Mechanisms, Self-Efficacy and Quality of Life Among Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus
- The Influence of Sex Education on Adolescents' Knowledge and Attitudes in Preventing Sexual Violence in Islamic Boarding Schools
- The Relationship between Mother's Knowledge about Nutrition and Low Birth Weight with the Incidence of Stunting among Children in Takalar Regency
- Self-Efficacy, Emotional Skill and Servant Leadership on The Performance of The Nursing Team at Lakipadada Tana Toraja Hospital
- The Effectiveness of Family Psychoeducation on Changing the Coping Mechanisms of Families with Mentally Retarded Children at SLB Kurnia Asih Ngoro Jombang
- Early Detection of Hypertension Risk and Health Education in Diploma of Nursing Students at STIKES Pemkab Jombang
- Empowering the Role of Cadres to Reduce the Anxiety of Elderly People Suffering from Hypertension